(b) Suppose in addition Uis continuous (cf. Problems 3(c) and 4). Deduce from (a)
that \\U|| = sup (Ox | x).
7. Let F, G be two separable complex Hilbert spaces, (an) (resp. (bn)) (n ^ 1) a Hilbert
basis of F (resp. G), L the Hilbert sum (Section 6.4) of F and G. Let v be the con-
tinuous operator in L defined by v(an) ~ 0, v(bn) = an/n, and let E = v(G) -f v*(v(G)).
Let u be the restriction of v to E. Show that u is compact and has an adjoint, but
that w* is not compact. (Observe that v(Q) is dense in F but not closed in F; if (xn) is a
bounded sequence of points of u(G) converging to a point in F, but not in v(G), show
that the sequence (u*(xn)) converges to a point in L which is not in E, using the fact
that the restriction of v* to F is injective.)

8- The notations and assumptions are those of (11.5.7). Let (An) be the decreasing
sequence of numbers >0 such that, for each k, the number of indices n such that
An = jLtfc is equal to dim(E(/z*)); let (an) be an orthonormal system in E such that, for
the indices n for which Xn = /xfc, the an constitute a basis of E(jnfc). We say that (An) is the
full sequence of strictly positive eigenvalues of u.

(a) Show that An is the maximum value of (u(x) \ x) when x varies in the subset of E
defined by the relations ||*|| = 1, (x \ ak) = 0 for 1 < k ^ n — 1; furthermore, that
maximum value is attained for x = an (use (11.5.7(d))).

(b) Let zi9..., zn_i be arbitrary vectors in E, and denote by PM(ZI, ..., ^«_i) the
l.u.b. of (u(x)\x) when x varies in the subset of E defined by the relations HJC|| = 1,
(*|zfc) = 0for 1 ^k^n-1. Show that Xn = p£ai9...9an-i)^p1ti1,...tzn-1) (the
" maximinimal principle "; take x in the subspace generated by a^,..., an and verifying
the relations (x \ zk) — 0 for 1 =£ k ^ n — 1).

(c) Let «', u" be two compact self-adjoint operators, and suppose « = «'-f-«";
let (AO, (A£) be the full sequences of strictly positive eigenvalues of u' and u'\ respec-
tively, (a'n) and (a'n) the corresponding orthonormal systems. Show that if Ap, A£ and
Ap+€_! are defined, then Xp+q^i < A£ 4- A£ (consider pH(ai,..., «J_i, ai,..., a'q-i).
If the sequence (Xn) is finite and has N terms, and if Ap and AP+N are defined, then
Xp+N =s$ A; (same method, observing that (u"(x) \ x) ^ 0 if (x \ tf) = 0 for 1 ^ j ^ N).

(d) Under the same assumptions as in (c)s show that if Ap and Xp are defined, then
|AP — A;^| ||«*|| (use the relation Xp = pu(alt ...,ap^i)). Furthermore, if u"2*Q
(resp. u'' ^ 0), then Ap ^ Ap (resp. Ap < Ap) (same method).

(e) When E is finite dimensional, transcribe the results of (b), (c), (d) for hermitian
forms on E x E (see Problem 3). Apply to the following problem: let /, (1 ^ i ^ n)
be regulated functions in a compact interval I = [a, b], and let I' = [c, d] be an

interval contained in I; let A = detQ*fifjdt}, A' = det/ f" f,fj dt\ be the Gram
determinants corresponding to I and I7; show that A/ < A, by expressing the Gram
determinants as products of eigenvalues.

9. (a) Let M be a compact self-adjoint operator in a complex Hilbert space E. Let
H be a closed subspace of E, and p the orthogonal projection of E onto H (Section
6.3). Show that the restriction v to H of p o u (or ofp o u o p) is compact and self-adjoint
and that (v(y) \ y) = (u(y) \ y) for y e H (use the relation p* = p). Let (AM), (^n) be the full
sequences of strictly positive eigenvalues of u and v respectively. Show that if An
and fjin are defined, then fiM ^ Xn (use Problem 8(b)).

(b) Suppose in addition u is positive. Show that for any finite sequence (xk)^k^n
of points of E, det((«(*i) | *,)) < AiA2 • • • An det((xt \ Xj)) (apply (a) to the subspace H
generated by xlt..., xn).

10. (a) Let u be a hermitian operator in a complex prehilbert space E. Show that
for any integer «>0, and any xeE, \\un(x)\\2 < \\if~l(x)\\ - ||MW+I(JC)|| (use Cauchy-